A Note from Carla:
I am a leadership and professional development consultant for people who want to enhance their presence, impact, and influence. The professionals I work with master the skills and artistry necessary to work effectively with people and complex processes. By tapping into their own creativity and unique style, my clients find the insights and self-awareness they need to lead, adapt, and thrive – both in and out of the workplace.
With thirty years of experience in leadership, facilitation and change management I have navigated situations and transitions similar to those my clients face. What is unique about my approach is the ability to listen deeply to bring the unsaid and unseen into the open. As we synthesize complex concepts into visual metaphors and images, clients gain clarity and uncover insights not available through words alone.
My style is intuitive, supportive, challenging, creative and fun. Colleagues and peers will tell you I am a thoughtful leader and mentor who colors outside the lines and erases a few along the way!
Are you ready to 'see' what is possible?